Saturday, September 26, 2015

Upload files to Sourceforge with Filezilla SFTP Quickconnect

This is a quick recap on how to connect to Sourceforge using Filezilla FTP client. A typical Google search does not always make it clear for many people.

Let us assume some variables for clarity:

Your sourceforge user name: sfusername
Sourceforge project: sfproject
Folder you want to upload to to: sfFolder

How to connect:

Host: s
User name: sfusername
Password: **************
(leave blank) Quickconnect.

You will get connected to your home directory.

Status:    Connected to
Status:    Retrieving directory listing...
Command:    pwd
Response:    Current directory is: "/home/users/s/sf/sfusername"
 Then change directory to your project's home folder:

cd /home/frs/project/sfproject/sfFolder/

Continue accordingly.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Install OpenBravo at Webfaction

This tutorial is about installing OpenBravo at webfaction, a fantastic internet host. By combining information from various internet resources it has been possible to install OpenBravo at webfaction.

Step 1: Install Java
Webfaction comes with its own Java environment. For smoother installation of OpenBravo, you may want to install your own instance.

SSH to your webfaction account.

mkdir ~/opt && cd ~/opt


tar zxf jdk-7u55-linux-x64.tar.gz

 ln -s jdk1.7.0_55/ java

 We assume your account is of 64-bit. Add the following line to ~/.bashrc. To make a long story short, use FileZilla or your other favorite FTP client to connect to your site, and edit the ~/.bashrc file. Do not close your SSH session.

export PATH=$HOME/opt/java/bin/:$PATH
 add the following line to ~/.bash_profile

 source $HOME/.bashrc

 At your SSH session, run 

source ~/.bashrc
You should have your Java environment ready.

To test it, run:

which java
should show ~/opt/java/bin/java


java -version


java version "1.7.0_55"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_55-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.55-b03, mixed mode)

Step 2 to follow.

How to Cleanly Upgrade Open Journal System OJS

Upgrading Open Journal System to the latest version, while keeping the existing settings require care. Make sure you have backed up everything you might need.

I find using command line is a good option to upgrade the server without much ado.

  1. Simply, SSH to your server or otherwise use your favorite means to run commands to your server.
  2. Run this command: php tools/upgrade.php patch
  3. IF need be, also run:  php tools/upgrade.php upgrade
  4. Your PHP installation must support command line actions. You may use package manager to search for php-cli or something similar and install it, if your server is incapable of running php commands.
The server will inform you how it goes.

Did it work for you?
