Friday, May 1, 2015

How to Cleanly Upgrade Open Journal System OJS

Upgrading Open Journal System to the latest version, while keeping the existing settings require care. Make sure you have backed up everything you might need.

I find using command line is a good option to upgrade the server without much ado.

  1. Simply, SSH to your server or otherwise use your favorite means to run commands to your server.
  2. Run this command: php tools/upgrade.php patch
  3. IF need be, also run:  php tools/upgrade.php upgrade
  4. Your PHP installation must support command line actions. You may use package manager to search for php-cli or something similar and install it, if your server is incapable of running php commands.
The server will inform you how it goes.

Did it work for you?



1 comment:

Arshad Ali said...

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